Applications for the permit authorized by this chapter shall be submitted on a form provided by the Town Clerk and shall contain the following information:
   (A)   Name, address and telephone number of the person, organization or entity seeking to conduct or sponsor the event;
   (B)   Name, address and telephone number of the individual in charge of the event;
   (C)   The proposed date and time period when the event will be conducted;
   (D)   A sketch-map showing:
      (1)   The area where the event is to take place;
      (2)   Any streets to be closed or obstructed;
      (3)   Any barriers or traffic-control devices that will be erected;
      (4)   The location of any concession stand, booth or other temporary structures or facilities; and
      (5)   The location of proposed fences, stands, platforms, benches or bleachers.
   (E)   The approximate number of people expected to attend the event;
   (F)   When applicable, a request that the town provide specified services and/or that the town close identified streets or portions of streets for a particular period;
   (G)   Sufficient proof of liability insurance in accordance with § 94.05; and
   (H)   Any other information determined by the Administrator to be necessary to ensure compliance with this chapter.