Whenever the conditions described in § 50.311 are met, a water shortage stage at the level indicated shall be declared in accordance the procedures and regulations of this subchapter. Recognizing that there may be situations in which those "triggers" do not fully reflect the threat to the town's water supply, however, even if the conditions have not been strictly met, in the event it appears to the Director of Public Utilities that outflow from the town water system may exceed its raw water supply or transmission capabilities, the Director of Public Utilities shall notify the Town Manager. The Town Manager, following consultation with the Town Council, may declare a Stage I Water Shortage requesting voluntary water conservation by customers. If voluntary conservation measures fail to adequately decrease outflow from the system or if conditions exist that make it likely in the opinion of the Town Manager that voluntary measures will be inadequate; the Town Manager may, after consultation with the Director of Public Utilities or following consultation with the Town Council, declare a Stage II or Stage III Water Shortage. In exercising this authority, the Town Manager shall consider water shortage levels and available sources or supply, draw-patterns and availability of water from other sources. However, this subchapter is not intended to supersede or amend the town's responsibilities under another interconnect agreement with another water system.
(Ord. passed 6-21-2011)