A.   Any person may apply for a variance from the standards contained within this chapter or within the "Road Standards Manual". Such application shall be made on forms provided by the Bonner County road department. Application for a variance shall set forth the specific circumstances of the request and the standards sought to be modified or waived. Such drawings or sketches as are necessary to fully describe the requested variance shall accompany the application.
   B.   Applications for variances shall be heard and determined by the board of county commissioners at the next available regular meeting, and may be granted or denied by a motion passed by a majority vote of the board. (Ord. 269, 1-17-1995)
   C.   In making its determination on the application for variance, the board shall consider the following items:
      1.   The factual circumstances of the application, including the topographic, geological and hydrological conditions of the site;
      2.   The nature and extent of the variation requested from the standards;
      3.   The effect of the variance request upon the continuity and integrity of the Bonner County highway system and the safety of the traveling public; and
      4.   The need for access to public and private lands within the county.
   D.   Upon the board's determination, the Bonner County road department shall provide the applicant with a copy of the application bearing the certification of the application's approval or denial. (Ord. 269, 1-17-1995)