A. Trails:
1. Implementing Bonner County Trails Plan: New subdivisions should be integrated with, and expand upon, existing and planned trail network per the Bonner County trails plan adopted by the Bonner County board of county commissioners. Subdivisions on land featuring proposed trails per the Bonner County trails plan are required to construct the trail as part of the subdivision approval. The Bonner County trails plan shall be used as a guide to determine the appropriate alignment and design any public trails or pathways (where applicable).
2. Public Access To Trails: All public trails shall be provided within public rights of way (when approved by the entity having jurisdiction over the right of way), designated common open space or within a trail easement dedicated or conveyed to Bonner County, or to the entity that will provide maintenance as approved by the board. The width of the common open space or easement shall be sufficient to provide for trail maintenance activities. When future access may be needed to adjacent parcels of land, trail easements and/or rights of way shall extend to the property line of the subdivision.
3. Sidewalks/Pathways In Residential Subdivisions: All residential subdivisions featuring average residential lot sizes of less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet shall provide a sidewalk/pathway system that connects all residential lots in the subdivision. Conservation subdivisions in the rural or A/F districts are exempt, except where there are more than ten (10) contiguous residential lots averaging less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet in size.
4. Developing Design Standards For Trails: Trail width and design standards and guidelines shall be developed in accord with the adopted trails plan.
B. Public Access, Parks And Facilities: Public access easements or the conveyance of land for public access, parks or facilities may be required for subdivisions that are contiguous to: 1) public lands; 2) public streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands or similar areas; or 3) for areas designated in a county facilities acquisition plan. If so required, the property owner shall be paid fair market value for the easement or land, or may qualify for a density bonus as part of a conservation subdivision set forth in section 12-637 of this chapter. (Ord. 501, 11-18-2008)