A. Each mobile home shall be located at least twenty five feet (25') from any park property line.
B. A mobile home may not be located closer than twenty feet (20') from any other mobile home or permanent building within the mobile home park. A mobile home accessory building shall not be closer than ten feet (10') from a mobile home or building on an adjacent lot.
C. Each mobile home lot within a mobile home park shall have direct access to a park street. The park street shall consist of an unobstructed area twenty feet (20') wide and shall be well marked to provide for continuous traffic flow. The street system shall have direct connection to a public or private road meeting applicable standards set forth in title 2 of this code or appendix A of this title.
D. Streets and walkways designed for the use of the mobile home park residents shall be lighted during the hours of darkness.
E. Each mobile home lot (site) shall be provided with utility connections.
F. Water supplies for fire department operations shall be as required by the authority having jurisdiction. Water supplies shall be adequate to permit the effective operation of minimum hose stream flows and duration of flows as required by international fire code for mobile home parks on any fire in a mobile home or elsewhere in the mobile home park. Hydrants shall be located within five hundred feet (500') of all mobile home lots (sites), unless otherwise specified by the fire code.
G. Provisions for safe bicycle and pedestrian access shall be integrated into the site.
H. At least two hundred fifty (250) square feet of on site recreational space per dwelling unit shall be provided. Such open space shall be located, designed and maintained per subsection 12-453I of this chapter. (Ord. 501, 11-18-2008)