12-471: STANDARDS:
   A.   Plans for retaining wall taller than four feet (4') shall bear the stamp of a structural engineer and shall be submitted at the time of building location or building permit.
   B.   Applicants for building location permits or building permits shall submit a snow management plan to the satisfaction of the agency having jurisdiction over the public or private travelways.
   C.   Applicants for all building location permits or building permits shall submit a grading, stormwater and erosion control plan, containing the minimum requirements of chapter 7, subchapter 7.2 of this title. In addition to the requirements for stormwater management plans, the following shall be addressed in the plan:
      1.   Water resulting from snowmelt on the site.
      2.   Plans to reclaim disturbed ground with native plants having soil holding properties.
   D.   Parking requirements for residential uses shall be two (2) off street spaces per dwelling unit, or one space per one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area (living space), whichever is more.
   E.   Driveways that do not have a snowmelt system are limited to an eight percent (8%) maximum grade so that they are usable during winter months. All portions of driveways that extend into public rights of way shall be paved and include swales or other treatments acceptable to the agency having jurisdiction over the public or private travelways to protect roadways from excessive water runoff and accumulations. (Ord. 501, 11-18-2008)