A.   Applicants are encouraged to integrate the existing on site trees and native vegetation (if applicable) into the design of the site. Retention of the existing on site trees and native vegetation is preferred over new landscaped areas. Where existing trees or other native plant materials are proposed to be retained, the landscape professional should provide supplemental plantings in the area where needed or provide confirmation that existing vegetation meets or exceeds objectives stated in section 12-460 in this chapter. Xeriscaping, or designs for drought tolerant vegetation and low water usage, are encouraged.
   B.   Planting areas should be a mix of evergreen and deciduous shrubs whose height and width will be proportionate to the area being planted, except where otherwise noted in this subchapter.
   C.   Trees, shrubs, ground covers and/or grasses that are native to northern Idaho and are appropriate to the conditions of the site are preferred. Appendix B of this title provides a list of native plants and their landscape uses. Nonnative plants may be considered, provided they are appropriate to the region and not invasive.
   D.   Landscape plans shall demonstrate that the vegetation will not visually block lines of sight for vehicles or pedestrians or obscure businesses with landscape material that will be too large for the site at maturity.
   E.   Ground cover material should cover seventy percent (70%) of the soil in one growing season or seventy percent (70%) of the soil in three (3) years if mulch is applied until the ground cover fills the designated area. (Ord. 501, 11-18-2008)