SERVING UTILITY: Company providing electrical service to the site.
SHELTER: Providing cover or protection to people, animals, or things.
SIGN: A device, descriptive display, or illustration generally relating in its subject matter to products, persons, accommodations, services or activities on the premises. However, a "sign" shall not include legal notices or informational or directional media erected or required by governmental bodies, nor shall it include residential location indicators.
SITE: A lot or parcel or portion thereof upon which construction is occurring or is proposed to occur.
SMALL STRUCTURE: Those structures greater than four hundred (400) square feet of floor area and not exceeding one thousand eighty (1,080) square feet of floor area. Small structures shall not have living space or sewage disposal and shall meet the requirements of BCRC 11-104.
START OF CONSTRUCTION: The installation or placement of a slab, footing, piles, blocks, columns, posts, or manufactured or prefabricated structure or similar construction activity on a site. The definition shall not include site clearing, excavation, or placement of concrete forms.
STOP WORK ORDER: A written directive to halt work, issued administratively whenever the planning director or designee finds work being performed contrary to this title.
STORY: That portion of a building included between the upper surface of a floor and the upper surface of the floor or roof next above. Measured as the vertical distance from top to top of two (2) successive tiers of beams or finished floor surfaces, and, for the topmost story, from the top of the floor finish to the top of the ceiling joists or, where there is not a ceiling, to the top of the roof rafters.
STRUCTURE: A combination of assembled materials providing shelter, support or an extension of shelter or support, including, but not limited to, buildings, signs, towers, tanks, decks, platforms, porches, walls, pools, roofed storage areas, manufactured buildings, or offices, located above or below ground, whether constructed, assembled or erected on site or preconstructed and placed on site. The following are exceptions to the structure definition: (See subsection 11-104 of this title for process to exempt certain structures not exceeding one thousand eighty (1,080) square feet of floor area.)
The exceptions below are subject to the land use standards specified in title 12 of this code:
A. Accessory buildings or structures that are detached structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed four hundred (400) square feet.
B. An addition to an existing residential accessory structure used solely for storage or agricultural uses such as woodsheds, lean-tos, greenhouses, general storage, provided the addition:
1. Is an addition that has a total floor area not exceeding four hundred (400) square feet.
2. Has no sewage disposal utilities.
3. Does not cause a structure excepted by this title to exceed four hundred (400) square feet.
C. Agricultural structures designed or constructed solely for the purpose of storing or housing hay, grain, poultry, livestock, produce, horticultural products or agricultural equipment, provided the floor area does not exceed four hundred (400) square feet. Such structure shall not be inhabited; or a place of employment excepting structures used for agricultural direct marketing activities. Such agricultural structures are subject to the land use standards specified in title 12 of this code.
D. Manufactured structures or mobile homes placed temporarily on licensed sales lots for retail or wholesale sales.
E. Motion picture, television and theater stage sets and scenery used only for the duration of the event.
F. Platforms, walks and driveways not more than thirty inches (30") above grade and not over any basement or story below. This does not include attached decks.
G. Reroofing not affecting the structural roof framing.
H. Row covers, high tunnels, hoop houses, or other membrane covered structures used in raising of crops to extend the growing season.
I. Signs affixed to a building that are not greater than sixty four (64) square feet.
J. Swimming pools not exceeding four thousand (4,000) square feet of area (15-20,000 gallons.).
K. Water tanks not exceeding five thousand (5,000) gallons.
L. Window replacement or window awnings supported by an exterior wall.
M. Yurts, teepees, tents, or other membrane structures without rigid walls that do not contain a kitchen and plumbing facilities.
N. Buildings, construction trailers, equipment and materials used in conjunction with construction work during the period of construction. Such facilities shall be removed upon occupancy of the structure unless otherwise excepted or permitted by this title.
The exceptions below are subject to the land use standards in Title 12; however, they are not subject to the setback standards specified in title 12 chapter 4 of this code:
O. Fences not over eight feet (8') in height measured at grade.
P. Retaining walls not over four feet (4') in height measured at grade.
Q. Residential propane tanks not exceeding one thousand (1,000) gallons.
SUSPENDED: To stop or discontinue work authorized by building location permit, for the period of time specified in this title. (Ord. 535, 4-2-2014; amd. Ord. 640, 9- -2021; Ord. 683, 1-5-2022)