It is unlawful for any person to:
   (A)   Willfully or wantonly cut, deface, or in any way injure any tree or sapling standing or growing in any of the streets, alleys, or public place within the town;
   (B)   Attach any guy wires, telephone, telegraph, or electric wire, or any wire to any live tree;
   (C)   Dig any hole, ditch, or trench in any public street, road, or alley, or any other public premises or ground within, belonging to, or under the supervision or control of the town;
   (D)   Take or remove any dirt, earth, or any substance from any street, road, alley, or other public place in the town; or to cut, break, or otherwise injure any pavement, curb, or gutter therein;
   (E)   Connect any driveway to any street or other public place without first securing permission from the town so to do; or
   (F)   Any such digging, removing, or driveway connection shall be done under the supervision of the town.
(Prior Code, § 14-202) Penalty, see § 152.99
Statutory reference:
   Works of art or ornamental improvements; injuring, see 21 O.S. § 1784