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1. A General Irrigation Floodplain Development Permit (GIFD) applies to qualifying activities within the regulatory floodway or special flood hazard area. These permits may be issued to an irrigation entity for a period not to exceed five years. Examples of activities eligible under this provision include:
A. Dredging and grading of irrigation and drainage channels, when the fill from dredging or grading is not deposited on the banks of channels or anywhere within the regulatory floodway or SFHA for longer than 10 days.
B. Seasonal grading within natural stream channels to check or direct water into irrigation facilities (i.e. earthen "push-up dams" and "wing dams").
C. Deposition of fill within the SFHA for less than 10 days. After 10 days, deposited fill must be removed from the SFHA, or graded and compacted to existing grade within ± 0.2 feet. Deposition of fill includes deposition of material resulting from grading or excavating irrigation or drainage channels. Deposition of fill within the mapped floodway requires an individual permit.
D. Construction of new underground utilities that do not permanently alter the existing grade elevations by ± 0.5 feet. Excess soil from new pipes larger than 2 feet in diameter must be disposed of outside the regulatory floodway and SFHA.
E. In-kind replacement of irrigation and drainage works or components including but not limited to control gates or head gates, measuring devices and their housing structures/stilling wells, culverts, pumps, pipes, flumes, siphons and similar works. GIFD permits cannot authorize the In-kind replacement of dams or bridge structures.
F. New driveways, trails, sidewalks, roads and streets constructed completely at-or-below existing grade.
G. Armoring, stabilizing, securing, or in-kind replacement of existing infrastructure within the channel banks (such as bridge piers, sewer/utility supports and storm water/sewer drainage outfalls/headwalls) when the dimensions (bank slopes, channel location, channel elevation) of the channel are not altered. This should not involve replacement with larger or additional above ground infrastructure. (Ord. 15-20, 5-12-2020)