Sergeants, corporals and patrol officers classified in such positions by the Civil Service Commission, shall continue in office in such position and the enactment of this subchapter will not affect tenure in such office or position. The Chief of Police and Deputy Chief shall continue in office in such position. The presently serving part-time patrol officers, special patrol officers and other personnel shall continue in such positions.
(Prior Code, § 33.046) (Ord. 2013-253, passed 11-26-2013)
All officers and members of the Police Department who are in the classified service shall be retired, suspended, removed or demoted in accordance with the laws of the state and with the rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission relating to the same.
(Prior Code, § 33.047) (Ord. 2013-253, passed 11-26-2013)
The Chief of Police or his or her designee is authorized to collect the fees listed under the Police Department in Chapter 39 of this code and to remit the same to the office of the City Clerk in the ordinary course of business for deposit into the city’s Corporate General Fund.
(Prior Code, § 33.048) (Ord. 06-015, passed 3-14-2006; Ord. 2015-033, passed 11-10-2015)