(A) An application for a valet parking operator license shall be filed with the City Clerk by the valet operator or business on a form supplied by the Clerk and shall include:
(1) The valet operator’s company name and license holder, address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and email address;
(2) The business name, address, telephone and facsimile numbers, email address and the name of the local manager for the business;
(3) A proposed valet parking plan which shall include a general description of the proposed valet parking services in conformance with this chapter. Valet parking services shall only be conducted in areas shown on an approved valet parking plan including the site or sites upon which cars will be temporarily stored and the locations of all transfer zones. A valet parking plan should contain the following:
(a) The location of the transfer zone(s);
(b) The location of all valet parking spaces;
(c) The number of parking spaces to be reserved for valet parking;
(d) The location and drawings (pictures, renditions) of signs to be used during valet parking operations;
(e) Valet parking, circulation routes and patterns;
(f) The time of valet parking operations; and
(g) Number of valet employees used to ensure operation of said valet parking plan.
(4) The valet operator’s insurance company name, address, telephone number, amount of coverage and effective dates of the policy;
(5) Copies of any leases or other written agreements pursuant to which a business or valet operator is authorized to use real property which it does not own for the temporary storage of customer vehicles;
(6) If a valet parking operation will be performed for the business by a separate valet operator, a copy of a fully executed contract between the business and the valet operator;
(7) Every valet operator shall procure and maintain insurance coverage as provided herein, at its sole expense, at all times during which any valet parking operation is being conducted and at all times any valet parking operator license is in effect. Application shall include proof of the valet operator’s insurance for protection from:
(a) Claims under the Workers’ Compensation Act, being 820 ILCS 305/1 et seq.;
(b) Claims for bodily injury, including personal injury and death, sickness or disease or death of any and all employees or of any person other than such employees; and
(c) Claims or damages because of injury to or destruction of property, including loss of use resulting therefrom which may arise from the valet parking operation in the following specified amounts:
1. For worker’s compensation, the statutory limits;
2. For liability insurance for valet services which includes automobile transport and storage as well as general liability, $1,000,000;
3. The valet operator shall name the city as an additional named insured under the above liability policy which shall provide that no policy nor any part thereof may be terminated or modified except upon 30 days’ prior written notice to the city; and
4. The valet operator shall provide the city with a proper insurance certificate, at his or her sole expense, at all times any valet parking operation is being conducted and at all times any valet parking operator license is in effect.
(8) An indemnification and waiver agreement, signed by the applicant, promising to hold harmless and to defend the city or any of its agents, officials and employees from and against any property damage, personal injury or death that may result from granting of the valet parking operator license or from the valet parking operation; and
(9) A license fee as provided by the city code.
(B) Applications for the renewal of a valet parking operator license shall be made to the city on forms provided by the city for that purpose not less than 60 days prior to the expiration of the valet parking operator license to be renewed. The fee for a renewal shall be the same as for a new valet parking operator license.
(C) Within ten days after a change in status of any of the information required by this section, the business or valet operator shall file an amended application for valet parking operator license in the office of the City Clerk on a form supplied by the Clerk.
(Ord. 2014-047, passed 10-28-2014)
Upon receipt of a completed application form, payment of all required fees or fines that may be due pursuant to this chapter and compliance with all other applicable requirements of this chapter, upon approval by the city, the city shall issue a valet parking operator license. Such valet parking operator license may contain such conditions and limitations as are necessary to promote safe and sound passenger loading and unloading, vehicle transfer and traffic movement as may be determined by the city.
(Ord. 2014-047, passed 10-28-2014)
(A) No valet parking operator license, or renewal thereof, shall be issued unless the applicant provides proof to the city that the business for which the valet parking service is to be provided has made available a transfer zone of at least one parking space and a maximum of two parking spaces unless a request has been made and approval given for additional parking spaces immediately adjacent to its premises for the pick up and delivery of the customers’ vehicles.
(B) No on street transfer zone shall be approved or utilized unless and until all required signage has been established.
(C) All vehicles accepted for valet parking service shall be immediately removed from the transfer zone and moved to the storage area specified in the valet parking plan.
(Ord. 2014-047, passed 10-28-2014)