For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY. Any business activity, retail, service, manufacturing, wholesale and/or storage, which is conducted by a commercial or non-profit establishment within the city, whose principal place of business may or may not be located within the city.
   CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. A certificate issued by a city department evidencing that a proposed business, commercial, or non-profit establishment has been found to be in compliance with all applicable regulations, ordinances and laws.
   COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT. Any person, company, firm, partnership, corporation or other legal entity chartered, licensed, incorporated or declared to be in existence for the purpose of making a profit from their activities.
   COMMERCIAL SOLICITING. The selling or offering for sale of property for future delivery.
   COTTAGE FOOD OPERATION. A person who produces or packages non-potentially hazardous food in a kitchen of that person’s primary domestic residence for direct sale by the owner or family member, stored in the residence where the food is made, or as otherwise defined under 410 ILCS 625/4 and 410 ILCS 650/11 and any amendments thereto.
   FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT. Any place where food that is intended for individual service and consumption is routinely provided completely prepared. The term includes any such place, regardless of whether consumption is in, on or off the premises and regardless of whether there is a charge for the food. The term does not include a private home where food is prepared for individual family consumption and it does not include the location of food vending machines or a retail food store that does not cook or combine ready-to-eat potentially hazardous foods for human consumption.
   FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT, TEMPORARY. Any food service establishment which operates for a temporary period of time not to exceed two weeks in connection with a fair, carnival, circus, public exhibition or similar transitory gatherings.
   HOME OCCUPATION BUSINESS CERTIFICATE. The city is not opposed to the development of a business which starts as a small home occupation providing that the home occupation does not impinge upon the rights and privileges of the abutting and adjoining homeowners and, further, that the home occupation is conducted in such manner that it does not change in any way the neighborhood atmosphere of an R-1, R-2 or R-3 Residential District. Such home occupations must comply with the applicable provisions of Ch. 165 of this code of ordinances. A HOME OCCUPATION BUSINESS CERTIFICATE is required and the fee is as set forth in the fee schedule.
   JUNK DEALER, SCAVENGERS. Any person, firm, corporation, partnership or other entity who collects, procures and/or obtains items whether by a motor vehicle or by a push cart which have been discarded, thrown away or set out for collection by the city’s Public Works Department or any other trash collection service.
   NON-PROFIT ESTABLISHMENT. A legal entity that is incorporated to operate for purposes other than making a profit, for example, charitable, educational, fraternal or religious establishments that allow the use of their space by individuals outside of their congregation or membership. Licensure is not required for non-profit entities that do not engage in renting their space to non-members and is not required for regular religious activities.
   NUISANCE. Conduct, activity or condition that is harmful or annoying to others (e.g., indecent conduct, a rubbish heap or a smoking chimney) or the harm caused by such conduct, activity or condition (e.g., loud noises or objectionable odors); any conduct, activity or condition which constitutes a threat to public health, safety or welfare; conduct, activity or condition which devalues surrounding property or otherwise disrupts other owners’ enjoyment of the same as evidenced by citizen complaints or other violations of applicable nuisance ordinances.
   OFFICE. Any service performed or rendered, whether for profit, control or non-profit. Any multiple use of the same OFFICE facilities will require an individual registration for each separate use. Accounting records will be used to determine if separate or multiple uses are being conducted in the same OFFICE facilities.
   OWNER. Any individual, firm, association, partnership, corporation, trust or any other legal entity having sufficient proprietary interest in a commercial establishment to maintain and manage its operation.
   PART 406. Title 89, Social Services, Ch. III, Department of Children and Family Services, Subchapter Re: Requirements of Licensure, part 406, Licensing Standards for Day Care Homes, being 89 Ill. Adm. Code 406.
   PERSON. Any individual, firm, association, partnership, corporation, trust or any other legal entity.
   SERVICE BUSINESSES. Any service performed or rendered for a price or fee whether or not a commodity is worked upon or exchanged.
(Prior Code, § 110.02) (Ord. 2014-001, passed 1-14-2014; Ord. 2024-033, passed 8-13-2024)