For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CHRONIC NUISANCE PROPERTY. Defined in § 95.075.
   CONTACT. Includes any communication made by an owner, tenant, guest, neighbor or other individual to police or other emergency services.
   CONTROL. The ability to regulate, restrain, dominate, counteract or govern conduct that occurs on that property either directly or by intervention of any governmental authority.
   DIRECTOR. The city’s Building Official.
   DISABILITY. With respect to a person:
      (1)   A physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person’s major life activities;
      (2)   A record of having such an impairment; or
      (3)   Being regarded as having such an impairment, but such term does not include current illegal use of, or addiction to, a controlled substance, as defined in the Federal Controlled Substance Act, 21 U.S.C. § 802.
   DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Physical abuse, harassment, intimidation of a dependent, interference with personal liberty or willful deprivation, but does not include reasonable direction of a minor child by a parent or person in loco parentis.
   DWELLING UNIT. One or more rooms which are arranged, designed or used as living quarters for a family, or for a community residence as a single housekeeping unit. A DWELLING UNIT includes bathroom and kitchen facilities in addition to sleeping and living areas.
   NUISANCE ACTIVITY or NUISANCE ACTIVITIES. Any City Building Code or Property Maintenance Code violations; criminal activities, behaviors, or conduct, as defined by federal or state law; including, but not limited to, the physical conditions and criminal activities set forth in § 95.074(A) and (B), respectively, but excluding any activities set forth in § 95.074(C).
      (1)   Any person, partnership, land trust or corporation having any legal or equitable interest in the property.
      (2)   OWNER includes, but is not limited to:
         (a)   Mortgagee in whom is vested:
            1.   All or part of the legal title to the property;
            2.   All or part of the beneficial ownership and the rights to the present use; and
            3.   A right to pursue foreclosure when mortgage is in default.
         (b)   An occupant who can control what occurs on the property; and
         (c)   Any person acting as an agent of an owner as defined herein.
   PERMIT. To suffer, allow, consent to, acquiesce by failure to prevent, or attempt to prevent, or expressly assent or agree to the doing of an act.
   PERSON. Any natural person, association, partnership, corporation or other entity capable of owning, occupying or using property in the city.
   PERSON IN CHARGE. Any person in actual or constructive possession of a property, including, but not limited to, an owner, property manager, tenant or occupant of the property in question under his or her ownership or control.
   PROPERTY. Any real property, including its land and that which is affixed, incidental or pertinent to land, including, but not limited to. any premises, room, house, building, or structure, or any separate part or portion thereof.
   SEXUAL VIOLENCE. Has the meaning provided under § 10 of the Safe Homes Act, 765 ILCS 750/10.
   TENANT. A person who has entered into an oral or written lease with an owner whereby the person is the lessee under the lease.
(Ord. 2021-29, passed 8-24-2021)