No person shall boil any offal, swill or bones or any fat, tallow or lard (except upon the same being taken at once from the animal, while the same is fresh and otherwise inoffensive) or permit or conduct the business of bone crushing, bone boiling, bond grinding, bone burning, shell burning, gut cleaning, or the skinning of or making of glue from any dead animal or part thereof, or the storage or keeping of scrap fat or grease or offensive animal matter, at any place within the limits of the city or within one mile thereof, without a special permit from the City Council or conduct the business of boiling or rendering the fresh lard, fat or tallow, as aforesaid, within the city without a like special permit from the City Council, specifying the nature and precise location of the proposed business.
(Prior Code, § 94.059) (Ord. 2017-005, passed 2-27-2017)