The owner or keeper of any lodging house and the owner, agent of the owner and the lessee of any tenement house, or part thereof, shall, whenever any person in such house is sick of fever or any infectious, pestilential or contagious disease, and such sickness is known to the owner, keeper, agent or lessee, give immediate notice thereof to the Building Department, and thereupon such officer shall cause the same to be inspected and, when found necessary, to be immediately cleansed or disinfected at the expense of the owner or occupant in such manner as may be deemed necessary and effectual, and the Building Department may also cause the blankets, bedding and bed clothes used by any such sick person to be thoroughly cleansed, scoured and fumigated or, in extreme cases, to be destroyed.
(Prior Code, § 94.049) (Ord. 2017-005, passed 2-27-2017)