In the establishment of any licensee licensed for consumption of alcoholic liquor on the premises where sold, no alcoholic drinks, spirits, or distilled liquors shall be sold by the bottle or other original container. No bottle service, defined as the sale of liquor by the bottle, will be permitted in any licensed establishment within the city. This limitation does not apply to beer or wine.
(Ord. 2023-006, passed 1-24-2023)
Nuisance declared. Any premises, licensed or unlicensed, used to conduct the sale of alcoholic liquors in violation of the Liquor Control Act of 1934 (235 ILCS 5/1-1. et seq.) or this chapter is declared a public nuisance per se, as defined in Chapter 95 of the City Code. Nuisance properties or nuisance activities are prohibited and cannot be engaged in by the licensee, licensee’s ownership, staff or agents, or patrons of the licensee. Any acts of violence, including but not limited to shootings and gunfire, outside the licensed premise by the premise’s patrons will be considered a nuisance activity per se. In addition, any acts disturbing the peace of the residents in the area surrounding the licensed premises, by the premises patrons, ownership, staff or agents, including but not limited to consistent littering, loitering, or noise disturbances will be considered a nuisance per se.
(Ord. 2023-006, passed 1-24-2023)