§ 150.160 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      (1)   Any vacant building which is frequented by persons who are not lawful occupants of such structure;
      (2)   Any vacant building which, by reason of lack of maintenance or by reason of the boarding-
up of its doors and windows or other reasons, has a substantial adverse effect on the value of property in the immediate neighborhood;
      (3)   A building, the principal use of which has been abandoned and that no longer has any function or use; or
      (4)   Any vacant building which has had its doors or windows boarded up for emergency reasons for a period in excess of eight weeks.
   BUILDING. Includes, but is not limited to, any residential, business or commercial structure, shed, garage or other structure.
      (1)   Any building which is dangerous to the public health because of its construction or condition or which may cause or aid in the spread of disease or cause injury to the health of the occupants of it or of neighboring structures;
      (2)   Any building which, because of faulty construction, age, lack of proper repair or any other cause, is especially susceptible to fire and constitutes or creates a fire hazard; or
      (3)   Any building which, by reason of faulty construction, age or lack of repair, is likely to collapse or fall.
(Prior Code, § 150.160) (Ord. 2677, passed 1-8-1985)