No plan or amendment or modification thereof made or proposed by the Planning Commission shall become effective unless and until the same shall be reported to the Council and embodied in an ordinance or resolution. No plat approved by, nor any dedication or gift of property shown on the plat recommended for acceptance by the Planning Commission shall be deemed to be accepted unless and until it shall be approved by ordinance or resolution.
   Any proposed ordinance or resolution which would make, amend, or modify any plan, or which would approve any plat or accept any dedication or gift of property shown on the plat, shall first be submitted to the Planning Commission for its report thereon before Council votes on the proposed ordinance or resolution. Council may direct the Planning Commission to report by a date certain; a failure by the Planning Commission to report as directed shall be deemed to be a negative recommendation by the Planning Commission.
   The affirmative votes of five members of the Council shall be necessary to pass any ordinance or resolution contemplated in this section if such ordinance or resolution shall contain anything contrary to the recommendation of the Planning Commission.