All appointments and promotions in the service of the City shall be made according to merit and fitness, to be ascertained, so far as practicable, by competitive examinations given under supervision of the Manager, under rules provided by the Civil Service Commission. These rules shall include provision for the following:
   1.   Plans for the recruitment of qualified persons, which shall take into account experience, character, references and physical fitness, together with such other characteristics as may be deemed appropriate.
   2.   The preparation, scheduling and holding of competitive examinations.
   3.   The creation of eligible lists from the results of examinations.
   4.   The certification of eligibles to appointing officers.
   5.   The classification of positions and establishment of job specifications, which rules shall be formed in conjunction with the City Manager and the appropriate department heads.
   6.   The development and conduct of training programs.
   7.   The preparation, and recommendation to the Manager for approval and publication, of all necessary rules to establish and maintain the merit system in the City.
   8.   Such other rules as are necessary and desirable for the advancement of the merit and civil service principles.