(a)   Temporary signs do not require a permit.
   (b)   All temporary signs shall be non-illuminated, made of durable materials, or attached to the ground or any structure by a mechanical fastener.
   (c)   Residential.
(1)   Temporary wall signs are not permitted in any R District.
(2)   Each lot in an R district may have no more than two temporary ground signs, each sign no greater than ten (10) square feet in area. If the sign is two-sided, the sign faces shall be parallel.
   (d)   Commercial.
(1)   Each building in BAN, BAS, DT, or SP districts is permitted one temporary wall sign per non-emergency entry from the exterior of the building limited to no more than sixteen (16) square feet per sign. Temporary wall signs shall be installed so that the entire sign is flat against a wall of the building to which it is attached.
(2)   Each site is permitted one temporary ground sign no greater than thirty-two (32) square feet in area. If the sign is two-sided, the sign faces shall be parallel.
(3)   A temporary sign may be installed in any place covering, in place of, or where a permanent wall or ground sign may be installed for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days. The size of such sign may not exceed the allowable size of the permanent sign that it would replace.
         (Ord. 2017. Passed 1-26-17.)