The following plant list identifies a sample of acceptable plant material species to be used. Other species may be used if identified as appropriate for this region by the United States Department of Agriculture's Plant Hardiness Zone Map and approved by the City.
Botanical Plant Name | Common Plant Name | Mature Height | Mature Spread |
Acer x freemani | Maple, Freeman | 40'-60' | 20'-40' |
Acer rubrum | Maple, Red | 40'-60' | 40'-60' |
Acer saccharum | Maple, Sugar | 60'-75' | 50'-60' |
Aesculus octandra | Buckeye, Yellow | 50'-70' | 30'-40' |
Betula nigra | Birch, River | 40'-70' | 40'-60 |
Catalpa speciosa | Catalpa, Northern | 40'-60' | 20'-30' |
Celtis, occidentalis | Hackberry, Common | 40'-60' | 50'-60' |
Cercidiphyllum japonicum | Katsura Tree | 40'-60' | 30'-50' |
Fagus grandifolia | Beech, American | 50'-70' | 50'-70' |
Fagus sylvatica | Beech, European | 50'-60' | 35'-45' |
Ginkgo biloba | Maidenhair/Ginkgo (male) | 50'-80' | 30'-50' |
Gleditsia triacanthos | Honeylocust, Thornless | 30'-50' | 30'-50' |
Koelreuteria paniculata | Golden-Raintree | 30'-40' | 30'-40' |
Larix decidua | Larch, European | 70'-75' | 25'-30' |
Liquidambar styraciflua | Sweetgum | 60'-80' | 40'-60' |
Liriodendron tulipfera | Tuliptree | 60'-80' | 30'-50' |
Metasequoia glyptostroboides | Redwood, Dawn | 75'-100' | 15'-25' |
Nyssa sylvatic | Gum, Black | 50'-75' | 35'-50' |
Quercus macrocarpa | Oak, Bur | 70'-90' | 60'-80' |
Quercus muehlenbergii | Oak, Chinquapin | 50'-80' | 50'-60' |
Quercus robur | Oak, Columnar English | 50'-60' | 10'-18' |
Quercus palustris | Oak, Pin | 50'-70' | 40'-60' |
Quercus rubra | Oak, Red | 60'-75' | 40'-50' |
Quercus coccinea | Oak, Scarlet | 60'-75' | 40'-50' |
Quercus imbricaria | Oak, Shingle | 40'-60' | 40'-60' |
Quercus shumardii | Oak, Shumard | 40'-60' | 40'-50' |
Quercus phellos | Oak, Willow | 40'-60' | 40'-50' |
Platanus, acerifolia | Planetree, London | 60'-85' | 50'-70' |
Platanus occidentalis | Sycamore, American | 75'-100' | 75'-100' |
Taxodium distichum | Cypress, Common Bald | 50'-70' | 20'-30' |
Tilia americana | Linden, American | 60'-80' | 30'-60' |
Tilia cordata | Linden, Littleleaf | 60'-70' | 30'-50' |
Tilia tomentosa | Linden, Silver | 50'-70 | 30'-50' |
Ulmus americana | Elm, American | 70'-90' | 50'-70' |
Table 1145 3: Plant List (Continued) | |||
Botanical Plant Name | Common Plant Name | Mature Height | Mature Spread |
Acer campestre | Maple, Hedge | 25'-35' | 25'-35' |
Acer palmatum | Maple, Japanese | 15'-25' | 15'-25' |
Acer griseum x nikoense | Maple, Girard's | 20'-30' | 15'-20' |
Acer griseum | Maple, Paperbark | 25'-30' | 15'-20' |
Alnus, serrulata | Alder, Tag | 15'-20' | 10'-20' |
Amelanchier canadensis | Serviceberry, Shadblow | 20'-25' | 15'-20' |
Amelanchier laevis | Serviceberry, Allegheny | 15'-25' | 15'-25' |
Carpinus betulus | Hornbeam, Columnar European | 30'-50' | 20'-30' |
Carpinus carolinana | Hornbeam, American | 20'-35' | 20'-35' |
Cercis candensis | Redbud, Eastern | 20'-25' | 20'-30' |
Cornus sp. | Dogwood, Flowering | 15'-20' | 15'-20' |
Crategus virdis | Hawthorne, Winter King | 20'-25' | 20'-25' |
Halesia tetraptera | Silverbell, Carolina | 30'-40' | 20'-35' |
Magnolia x soulangiana | Magnolia, Saucer | 20'-30' | 20'-30' |
Magnolia stellata | Magnolia, Star | 10'-20' | 10'-15' |
Magnolia virginiana | Magnolia, Sweetbay | 10'-45' | 10'-45' |
Malus sp. | Crabapple, Flowering | 15'-20' | 15'-20' |
Ostrya virginiana | Hophornbeam | 20'-30' | 20'-30' |
Oxydendron arboreurn | Sourwood | 20'-30' | 20'-30' |
Prunus x 'Hally Jolivette' | Cherry, Hally Jolivette | 10'-15' | 10'-15' |
Prunus serrulata | Cherry, Oriental | 15'-20' | 15'-20' |
Prunus subhirtella | Cherry, Higan | 20'-40' | 15'-30' |
Rhamnus caroliniana | Buckthorn, Carolina | 15'-20' | 10'-15' |
Salix discolor | Willow, Pussy | 15'-30' | 15'-25' |
Sophora japonica | Pagoda, Japanese Tree | 50'-60' | 50'-60' |
Syringa reticulata | Lilac, Japanese Tree | 20'-30' | 15'-25' |
Syringa pekinensis | Lilac, Peking | 20'-30' | 15'-25' |
Taxodium distichum | Cypress, Bald | 60'-80' | 25'-35' |
Taxodium ascendens | Cypress, Pond | 50'-60' | 10'-15' |
Table 1145 3: Plant List (Continued) | |||
Botanical Plant Name | Common Plant Name | Mature Height | Mature Spread |
Abies concolor | Fir, White | 30'-50' | 15'-30' |
Cedrus libani var. | Cedar, Hardy | 40'-60' | 20'-30' |
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis | Cypress | 30'-45' | 10'-15' |
Ilex opaca | Holly, American | 40'-50' | 20'-40' |
Juniperus virginiana | Red cedar, Eastern | 40'-50' | 15'-20' |
Picea pungens | Spruce, Colorado | 50'-70' | 20'-30' |
Pinus cembra | Pine, Swiss Stone | 30'-40' | 15'-25' |
Pinus parviflora | Pine, Japanese White | 25'-50' | 25'-50 |
Pinus bungeana | Pine, Lacebark | 35'-50' | 30'-40' |
Pinus resinosa | Pine, Red | 50'-80' | 20'-40' |
Pinus strobus | Pine, White | 50'-80' | 20'-40' |
Pseudotsuga menziesii | Fir, Douglas | 40'-80' | 10'-20' |
Thuja standish x plicata | Arborvitae, Green Giant | 40'-60' | 12'-18' |
Tsuga canadensis | Hemlock, Canadian | 40'-70' | 25'-35' |
Tsuga caroliniana | Hemlock, Carolina | 45'-60' | 20'-25' |
Table 1145 3: Plant List (Continued) | |||
Botanical Plant Name | Common Plant Name | Mature Height | Mature Spread |
Aesculus parviflora | Buckeye, Bottlebrush | 8'-12' | 8'-15' |
Aesculus pavia | Buckeye, Red | 10'-20' | 10'-20' |
Berberis julianae | Barberry, Wintergreen | 6'-10' | 6'-10' |
Calycanthus, floridus | Allspice, Carolina | 6'-9' | 6'-12' |
Cephalanthus occidentalis | Buttonbush | 10'-12' | 6'-8' |
Chaenomeles speciosa | Quince, Flowering | 6'-10' | 6'-10' |
Cornus amomum | Dogwood, Silky | 6'-10' | 6'-10' |
Cotinus obovatus | Smoketree, American | 15'-20' | 15'-20' |
Euonymus alatus 'Compacta' | Burning Bush, Dwarf | 8'-10' | 8'-10' |
Forsythia x intermedia | Forsythia, Border | 8'-10' | 8'-10' |
Hamamelis virginiana | Witchhazel | 15'-20' | 15'-20' |
Ilex verticillata | Holly, Winterberry | 6'-9' | 6'-9' |
Lindera benzoin | Spicebush | 6'-12' | 6'-12' |
Myrica pensylvanica | Bayberry, Northern | 5'-12' | 5'-12' |
Pinus densiflora | Pine, Japanese | 10'-15' | 10'-15' |
Rhus glabra | Sumac, Smooth | 9'-15' | 9'-15' |
Rhus typhina rn | Sumac, Stagho | 15'-20' | 15'-20' |
Salix discolor | Willow, Pussy | 15'-30' | 15'-25' |
Taxus cuspidata | Yew, Japanese | 10'-20' | 10'-30' |
Viburnum sieboldii | Viburnum, Siebold | 15'-20' | 10'-15' |
Viburnum rhytidophyllum | Viburnum, Leatherleaf | 10'-15' | 10'-15' |
Viburnum x burkwoodii | Viburnum, Burkwood | 8'-10' | 6'-8' |
Viburnum plicatum | Viburnum, Doublefile | 8'-10' | 9'-12' |
Table 1145 3: Plant List (Continued) | |||
Botanical Plant Name | Common Plant Name | Mature Height | Mature Spread |
Abelia x grandiflora | Abelia, Glossy | 3'-5' | 3'-5' |
Acanthopanax siebolda ianus, | Arali, Fiveleaf | 6'-10' | 3'-5' |
Berberis thunbergii | Barberry, Japanese | 2'-5' | 4'-7' |
Berberis julianne | Winterberry Barberry | 5'-6' | 3'-4' |
Buxus microphylla | Boxwood, Littleleaf | 2'-4' | 3'-4' |
Buxus sempervirens | Boxwood, Common | 5'-6' | 6'-8' |
Chaenomeles japonica | Quince, Flowering | 4'-6' | 4'-6' |
Chamaecyparis obtusa | Falsecypress, Hinoki | 4'-6' | 4'-6' |
Clethra alnifolia | Clethra, Summersweet | 3'-8' | 4'-6' |
Cotoneaster apicultus | Cotoneaster, Cranberry | 2'-3' | 3'-6' |
Cotoneaster, divaricatus | Cotoneaster, Spreading | 5'-6' | 6'-8' |
Deutzia gracilis | Deutzia, Slender | 2'-3' | 3'-4' |
Fothergilla gardenii | Fothergilla, Dwarf | 2'-4' | 3'-4' |
Hydrangea arborescens | Hydrangea, American | 3'-5' | 3'-5' |
Hypericum prolificum | St. John's Wort, Shrubby | 3'-4' | 3'-4' |
Ilex crenata | Holly, Japanese | 5'-8' | 5'-8' |
Ilex glabra | Inkberry, Nigra | 6'-8' | 8'-10' |
Juniperus horizontalis | Juniper, Creeping | 2'-2.5' | 6'-10' |
Juniperus chinensis | Juniper, Sargent's Chinese | 1.5'-2.5' | 7'-9' |
Physocarpus opulifolius | Ninebark, Eastern | 5'-8' | 4'-6' |
Potentilla fruticosa | Cinquefoil, Bush | 1'-4' | 2'-4' |
Prunus laurocerasus | Laurelcherry, Common | 3'-6' | 3'-6' |
Rhodotypos scandens | Jetbead | 3'-6' | 4'-9' |
Ribes alpinum | Currant, Alpine | 3'-6' | 6'-9' |
Spiraea alba | Meadowsweet | 3'-4' | 3'-4' |
Spiraea x bumalda | Spirea, Bumalda | 2'-3' | 3'-5' |
Spiraea nipponica | Spirea, Snowmound | 3'-6' | 3'-6' |
Stephanandra incisa | Stephanandra, Cutleaf | 4'-7' | 4'-7' |
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus | Corralberry | 2'-5' | 4'-8' |
Rhus aromatica | Sumac, Fragrant | 3'-6' | 6'-10' |
Taxus media | Yew, English | 2'-4' | 3'-5' |
(Ord. 2017. Passed 1-26-17.)