(a)   All parking areas shall contain a landscaped area of trees and shrubs greater than or equal to five percent (5%) of the internal parking and vehicular circulation area. Entrance drives through front or side yards or buffers are not counted as internal areas.
   (b)   Landscaped areas shall be distributed throughout the parking area. Rows of parking spaces shall be interrupted at least every fifteen (15) spaces by a planter island that is a minimum of eight (8) feet wide and eighteen (18) feet in length, or a parallel eight (8) foot planting strip shall separate rows of parking spaces.
Figure 1145-3: the graphic represents the two options for landscaped areas within parking lots. The top option illustrates the eight food planting strip and the bottom option illustrates parking islands every fifteen (15) spaces.
   (c)   Landscaping shall be provided as follows and shall be installed in the required landscape islands:
(1)   Trees shall be provided at a rate of one tree for each ten (10) parking spaces in the R-1, R-2, R-3, and DT zoning districts and two (2) trees for each ten (10) parking spaces in the BAN, SP, and BAS zoning districts. Any fractional number shall be rounded up to the next whole number.
(2)   Shrubs shall be provided at a rate of six (6) shrubs for each ten (10) parking spaces in the R-1, R-2, R-3, and DT zoning districts and three shrubs for each ten (10) parking spaces in the BAN, SP, and BAS zoning districts.
(3)   One tree may be substituted by three (3) shrubs. Such substitutions may not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the required number of trees.
(4)   Trees and shrubs may be grouped; they do not have to be equally spaced.
   (d)   All parking spaces shall be within 125 feet of a landscaped area.
   (e)   No internal landscaping is required for lots less than fifteen (15) spaces.
   (f)   No landscaping shall obscure visibility at a vehicular intersection within the parking area or other area or other areas where clear visibility is necessary to assure safe circulation. Where safe visibility is impaired, canopy trees shall have branches removed from the trunk at least five (5) feet above the ground and shrubs and groundcover shall not exceed two (2) feet in height. Evergreen trees and understory trees that would impair visibility for safe circulation shall not be planted in these areas.
   (g)   Any landscape area provided under this section shall not contain bare soil.
(Ord. 2017. Passed 1-26-17.)