Any property to which this Chapter applies shall submit a landscape plan to the Community Development Director as part of the review process. Landscape plans shall be prepared by and/or certified by a design professional practicing within their area of competence. The landscape plan shall be drawn to a reasonable scale and include the following information:
(a)   North arrow and scale bar;
(b)   The name of applicant/owner;
(c)   The name, address, and phone number of the person or firm responsible for the preparation of such plan;
(d)   The dates the plans are submitted and revised;
(e)   All existing and proposed buildings and other structures, paved areas, planted areas, utility poles, fire hydrants, light standards, signs, fences, and other permanent features to be added and/or retained on the site;
(f)   All existing plant material to be removed or retained;
(g)   All existing and proposed streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, railroad tracks, drainage ditches, and other public or semi-public improvements within and immediately adjacent to the site;
(h)   Contour lines for grades in excess of six percent;
(i)   Proposed elevation at sufficient locations and existing elevations of the site to clearly show the drainage patterns;
(j)   All property lines and easements;
(k)   A table showing the total square footage of the internal parking and vehicular circulation area, the square footage of landscape islands, the number of parking spaces provided, and the number of trees and shrubs provided to ensure compliance with Section 1145.08;
(l)   A table listing the existing plant material to be retained and all proposed plant material within the bufferyard or landscape areas. This shall include the common and botanical names, sizes, and other remarks as appropriate to describe the plant material section;
(m)   Details for the planting of trees, shrubs, and ground cover within the bufferyard or landscaped area; and
(n)   If irrigation is proposed, an irrigation plan shall be submitted which shall include:
(1)   Location and type of all sprinkler heads.
(2)   Size of mainline and irrigation piping.
(3)   Location and size of water meter.
(4)   Location of backflow prevention device.
(5)   Location and size of all valves.
(6)   Location of irrigation controller.
         (Ord. 2017. Passed 1-26-17.)