So long as no structural alterations are made, except as required by enforcement of other codes or ordinances, any nonconforming use may, upon approval by the Board of Zoning Appeals, be changed to another nonconforming use of the same classification or of a less intensive classification, provided that the Board shall find that the use proposed for substitution is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the district that the existing nonconforming use is in. In permitting such change, the Board may require that additional conditions and safeguards be met, which requirements shall pertain as stipulated conditions to the approval of such change, and failure to meet such conditions shall be considered a violation of this Code. Whenever a nonconforming use has been changed to a less intensive use or becomes a conforming use, such use shall not thereafter be changed to a more intensive use or other nonconforming use.
(Ord. 2017. Passed 1-26-17.)