Passage of this Code in no way legalizes any illegal uses existing at the time of its adoption. Nonconforming uses and structures may be continued as follows:
(a)   Continuation of Nonconforming Use. A nonconforming use that lawfully occupies a structure or a land site on the effective date of this Code may be continued so long as it remains otherwise lawful, subject to the standards and limitations in this Chapter.
(b)   Continuation of Nonconforming Structure. A nonconforming structure that lawfully occupies a lot on the effective date of this Zoning Code and that does not conform with the standards for yards, buffers, height, gross floor area of structures, driveways, or open space for the district in which the structure is located may be used and maintained, subject to the standards and limitations in this chapter.
(c)   Continuation of Nonconforming Accessory Uses and Structures. The continued existence of nonconforming accessory uses and structures is subject to the provisions governing principal nonconforming uses and structures set forth in this chapter.
(d)   Maintenance, Repair and Structural Safety. Normal maintenance and incidental repair may be performed on a conforming structure that contains a nonconforming use or on a nonconforming structure.
      (Ord. 2017. Passed 1-26-17.)