The following provisions, standards and specifications shall apply:
   (a)   Fire and Explosion Hazards. All activities involving and all storage of flammable and explosive materials shall be provided at any point with adequate fire fighting and fire suppression equipment and devices in compliance with Federal, State and local regulations and industry standards. Burning of waste materials and open fire shall be prohibited at any point.
   (b)   Radio Activity or Electrical Disturbance. No activity shall be permitted which violates the requirements and standards of Federal and State radiation protection regulations; and no electrical disturbance or any disturbance resulting from radio or television transmission shall be tolerated which affects adversely the operation at any point of any equipment other than that of the creator of such disturbance.
   (c)   Noise. At any point on the adjacent property lines (with equipment running), sixty (60) dba or less shall not be considered objectionable within the scope of this code.
      (1)   However, should the sound level exceed sixty (60) dba, the operation in question shall be ordered to cease and additional readings taken. If the difference in readings exceeds ten (10) dba (that is, the reading at the property line is more than ten (10) dba higher with equipment running than when the operation ceases), the operation shall be considered to be loud and objectionable and shall be in violation of the above section.
      (2)   All measurements required shall be measured on the "A" weighting scale of a sound meter meeting the requirements of A.N.S.I. STD. S.1.4-1971 when the meter is located at a point on the property line nearest the operation in question, five (5) feet above grade level and no closer than three (3) feet from any wall.
   (d)   Vibration. Every use shall be so operated that the maximum ground vibration generated is not perceptible without instruments at any point on the lot line of the lot on which the use is located.
   (e)   Odor. Every use shall be so operated that no offensive or objectionable odor is perceptible at any point on the lot line of the lot on which the use is located.
   (f)   Smoke. Every use shall be so operated that no smoke from any source shall be emitted in excess of twenty percent (20%) opacity, as established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Method 9 - Visual Determination of the Opacity of Emissions From Stationary Sources (40CFR Pt. 60, App. A, Meth. 9), or, in case of an amendment to this method, by the amended method.
   (g)   Toxic Gases. Every use shall be so operated that there is no emissions of toxic, noxious or corrosive fumes or gases in excess of applicable State and Federal standards.
   (h)   Emission of Dirt, Dust, Fly Ash and Other Forms of Particulate Matter. No emission shall be permitted which can cause any damage to human health or to animals, vegetation or other forms of property, or which can cause excessive soiling at any point. Any emission shall comply with applicable Federal and State regulations.
   (i)   Glare and Heat. Any operation producing intense glare or heat shall be performed in an enclosure in such a manner as to be imperceptible along any lot line. Exterior lighting shall be so installed as to deflect from adjacent residential developments. No lighting shall be installed that creates a glare or visual disturbance to motorist or pedestrians.
   (j)   Air Pollution. Every form of air contaminants, including particulate matter, dust, fumes, gas mist, smoke, vapor or odorous substances or any combination thereof, shall comply with applicable emission limitations as established by regulation of the U.S. Environmental Protection and Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
   (k)   Water Pollution. No emission into a watercourse, storm sewer or body of water shall be permitted which can cause any damage to human health, or to animals, vegetation or other forms of property. All discharges shall be restricted as set forth in the Ohio Revised Code and regulations established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
   (l)   Radiation. Every amount of radioactive emissions shall be restricted to that considered safe by the Federal Radiation Council Standard and not exceed any limitation established in any other State or Federal regulation.
   (m)   Radon. Radon emissions shall not exceed any limitation established by State or Federal standard as to be unsafe.
      (Ord. 89-75. Passed 11-9-89.)