(a)   Permit required. No person shall conduct an without first obtaining both a permit as required in this Division H and an associated special event permit described under Division E.
   (b)   Filing. A person seeking a permit required by this Division H must file a signed and completed application with the on the forms provided. The application must be filed at least 60 days prior to the . The may waive the minimum filing period for good cause shown if, after due consideration of the date, time, place, and nature of the , the anticipated number of participants, and the city services required in connection with the , the determines that the waiver will not adversely impact the public health, safety, or welfare.
   (c)   Contents. The application for a permit under this Division H must include the following information:
      (1)   The name, address, electronic mail address, and telephone number of the applicant;
      (2)   The name, address, electronic mail address, and telephone number of the manager of the property upon which the is to be displayed;
      (3)   A letter of authorization from the owner or authorized representative of the property upon which the is to be conducted, if different from the applicant;
      (4)   The name, address, electronic mail address, and telephone number of the person who will be responsible for the ;
      (5)   The date and time when the will start and end, including set-up and teardown times;
      (6)   A description of the planned activities, including the equipment involved and the approximate number of attendees reasonably anticipated;
      (7)   A scaled plan and building elevation plans depicting the location of the , the projection areas, parking areas, gathering and seating areas, tents, stages, platforms, temporary structures, tables, booths, first-aid or relief stations, dumpsters, fencing, portable toilets, signs or banners and a parking, pedestrian circulation, and traffic plan;
      (8)   A description of any sound amplification equipment and its positioning, and other mechanical or electronic equipment to be used in connection with the and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of any sound technicians for the ;
      (9)   A description of any public facilities or equipment to be utilized;
      (10)   A description of the applicant's plan to clean up and restore the after the ; and
      (11)   Such other information as the requires in order to determine whether a permit should be issued.
(Ord. 2017-19, passed 6-5-2017)