No license under this Division F shall be granted if the applicant:
   (a)   Is not of good moral character and repute;
   (b)   Is not the real party in interest in the business or occupation licensed;
   (c)   Has been convicted of a crime directly related to the license as defined in M.S. § 364.03, subd. 2, as it may be amended from time to time, and if the applicant has not shown competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation and present fitness to perform the duties and responsibilities of the licensed occupation, as defined by M.S. § 364.03, subd. 3, as it may be amended from time to time;
   (d)   Owes taxes or assessments to the state, county, school district or city that are due and delinquent;
   (e)   Has knowingly misrepresented or falsified information on the license application;
   (f)   Is not a United States citizen, resident alien or does not have the legal authority to work in the United States; or
   (g)   Is not 18 years of age or older on the date the license application is submitted to the .
(1958 Code, § 135.06) (Ord. 184, passed 7-22-1952; Ord. 74-103, passed 11-18-1974, renumbered to § 135.08; Ord. 75-62, passed 12-8-1975; Ord. 76-59, passed 12-6-1976; Ord. 81-58, passed 11-23-1981; Ord. 82-38, passed 9-27-1982; deleted by Ord. 87-77, passed 10-16-1987; Ord. 92-66, passed 12-21-1992; recodified by Ord. 95-13, passed 8-7-1995)