(a)   Filing. A seeking issuance of a permit required by this Division E must file a signed and completed application with the issuing authority on the forms provided. In order to allow sufficient time for an appeal from a permit denial, it is suggested that applications be filed at least 60 days prior to the event. Nevertheless, any fully completed, signed application filed within the minimum filing periods set forth below will be accepted during business hours.
      (1)   For events involving 200 or more or 30 or more animals, not less than seven business days prior to the planned event;
      (2)   For any or , or any that will make use of any portion of a public roadway, street or highway, not less than seven business days prior to the planned event; and
      (3)   For all other or , not less than four business days prior to the planned event.
      The issuing authority may waive the minimum filing period for good cause shown if, after due consideration of the date, time, place and nature of the , , or , the anticipated number of participants, and the city services required in connection with the event, it is determined that the waiver will not adversely impact the public health, safety or welfare.
   (b)   Contents. The application for a permit under this Division E shall request the following information:
      (1)   The name, address, e-mail address, facsimile and telephone number of the , group or entity responsible for the sponsorship of the event;
      (2)   The names, addresses, e-mail addresses, facsimile and telephone numbers of the headquarters of the organization for which the event is to be conducted, if any, and the name of the within that organization responsible for the event;
      (3)   A letter of authorization from the organizing the event, or on whose behalf the event is being organized, if different from the applicant;
      (4)   The names, addresses, e-mail addresses, facsimile and telephone numbers of the who will act as the coordinators responsible for the event;
      (5)   The names, addresses and telephone numbers of any sound technicians for the event;
      (6)   The date and hours when the event will start and terminate, including set-up and teardown times;
      (7)   A description of the planned activities, including the approximate number of participants, the type and number of any animals or vehicles involved and the approximate number of spectators and guests reasonably anticipated;
      (8)   Where the issuing authority determines based upon an assessment of the location, date, time of day, concentration of , vehicles, animals or equipment, use of sound amplification equipment or other equipment generating noise, vibration, dust or smoke, that the event appears likely to interfere with the safe and orderly movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic contiguous to its route or location, interfere with the movement of firefighting equipment or ambulance service, lack adequate essential facilities for the health and safety of participants, or unreasonably interfere with the quiet enjoyment of neighboring properties or the dedicated use of the public property on which the planned event is to be situated, the issuing authority may require, without reference to or consideration of the content of the expressive activity, views expressed or anticipated to be expressed or the response it may provoke, one or more of the following:
         (i)   A site plan for the location of the event, the route to be traveled, if any, including the starting point and the termination point, and the maximum and minimum speeds of any travel. A required site plan shall also describe the amount of the public right-of-way, sidewalk, walkway, park or other public ground that will be occupied by the participants, guests and onlookers of the event, including any loading or unloading areas;
         (ii)   A parking, pedestrian circulation and traffic directional plan; and
         (iii)   A neighborhood notification plan for any properties within 500 feet of the property lines of the site of an event to be held at a single location covering two square blocks or less, or along the route of any , march or , along with a signed statement by the applicant attesting that the applicant will send by regular mail or hand-delivery notice of the date, time, location and size of the event to the owners or occupants of those properties at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of the event.
      (9)   A description of any tents, stages, platforms, temporary structures, devices, tables, booths, first-aid or relief stations, dumpsters, fencing, portable toilets, signs or banners to be used in conjunction with the event and their proposed location;
      (10)   A description of any sound amplification equipment and its positioning, and other mechanical or electronic equipment to be used in connection with the event;
      (11)   A description of any public facilities or equipment to be utilized;
      (12)   A description of the applicant’s plan to clean up and restore the site;
      (13)   A description of any food or beverage service provided to the public or event participants;
      (14)   A description of any merchandise sales or fundraising;
      (15)   A list of the last city or town in which any , , outdoor concert or was conducted by the applicant or the on whose behalf the event is to be conducted and whether or not the applicant has had a , , outdoor concert or permit or license revoked as a result of willful misconduct within the preceding five years;
      (16)   For events held on public grounds, an indemnification agreement signed by the applicant setting forth the following or its legal equivalent:
      “In consideration for the use of public grounds and the grant of a permit for the purposes set forth in this application, the applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the city, its officers, agents and employees against any and all claims, suits, actions, debts, losses, damages, costs, charges and personal injury, including death, resulting directly or indirectly from any act of negligence, either active or passive, on The part of the applicant in the applicant’s use of public property specified in the application.”
      (17)   Such other information as the issuing authority requires in order to make a fair determination as to whether or not a permit should be issued.
(1958 Code, § 133.09) (Ord. 163, passed 1-1-1959; Ord. 74-101, passed 11-18-1974; deleted by Ord. 87-77, passed 10-16-1987; Ord. 92-66, passed 12-21-1992; recodified by Ord. 95-13, passed 8-7-1995; amended by Ord. 96-27, passed 7-1-1996; Ord. 2008-17, passed 5-19-2008)