In the event that, subsequent to the sale of unclaimed property as provided for in this Division B, the owner thereof shall, within six months from said sale, make application to the City Manager, and provide satisfactory proof of ownership of the property so sold, such lawful owner shall be reimbursed to the extent of the sale price received in the sale thereof. Such reimbursement of money shall be from the city’s General Fund. If the city the property in a sale by consignment, the city’s with the consignment company must require the company to reimburse the city for the company’s portion of the sale price received on sales where the rightful owner makes an application for said property/funds. In the event that no application is made and no satisfactory proof of ownership shall be provided to the City Manager within such six-month period, the funds received at such sale shall become the absolute property of the city’s General Fund.
(1958 Code, § 75.03) (Ord. 116, passed 7-18-1957; Ord. 26, passed 4-21-1961; Ord. 94-10, passed 3-7-1994; Ord. 98-47, passed 10-5-1998)