Every ordinance or resolution passed by the council must be signed by the mayor or by the acting mayor, attested by the secretary of the council and filed and preserved by the secretary. Every ordinance and any resolutions requested by the mayor or by two other members of the council must be published at least once in the official newspaper. The council, by a two-thirds vote of all of its members, can direct publication of only the title and a summary of an ordinance, if the council approves the text of the summary and determines that it would clearly inform the public of the intent and effect of the ordinance. The summary must comply with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes Section 331A.01, subd. 10 and give notice that a full copy of the ordinance is available for inspection during regular office hours at the city clerk’s office. As provided by law, an ordinance can incorporate by reference a statute of Minnesota, a state administrative rule or a regulation, a code, or ordinance or part thereof without publishing the material referred to in full.
(Section 3.08 amended by Ord. 88-51, passed 7-25-1988; Ord. 97-15, passed 5-5-1997; Ord. 2004-8, passed 4-5-2004; Ord. 2017-27, passed 7-24-2017)