For purposes of this article, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CITY. The City of Bloomington, Minnesota.
   COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota or a person to whom the Commissioner has delegated functions.
      (1)   $35,000,000 plus associated bonding costs for new construction and rehabilitation of the Bloomington Ice Garden and associated infrastructure; and
      (2)   $100,000,000 plus associated bonding costs for construction of a new Community Health and Wellness Center and associated infrastructure; and
      (3)   $20,000,000 plus associated bonding costs for new construction and restoration of the Nine Mile Creek Corridor Renewal and associated infrastructure.
   STATE SALES AND USE TAX LAWS AND RULES. Those provisions of the state revenue laws applicable to state sales and use tax imposition, administration, collection, and enforcement, including M.S. § 297A.99, Chapters 270C, 289A, 297A, and Minn. Rules, Part 8130.
(Ord. 2023-29, passed 12-4-2023)