Unless the officer whose removal is sought resigns within ten calendar days after the council receives the completed recall petition, the recall election will proceed and the form of the ballot must read: “Shall ______________ be recalled?” (the name of the officer whose recall is sought being inserted in the blank). Registered voters will vote separately “Yes” or “No” upon this question. The ballot must also contain the names of the candidates to be voted upon to fill the vacancy, if the recall is successful, under the caption: “Candidates to fill the place of_________ if recalled.” The officer whose recall is sought will not be listed as a candidate on the ballot. If a majority of those voting on the question vote "yes", the official is removed from office, and the candidate elected using the ranked choice voting method is elected for the remainder of the unexpired term. The remainder of the unexpired term begins eight calendar days after the canvassing board certifies the results or, if a recount is conducted, then the next regular council meeting after the recount results have been certified. If the officer sought to be recalled resigns within ten calendar days after the council receives the completed recall petition, the form of ballot at the election is the same, or as nearly as is possible, as the form in use at the regular municipal election.
(Section 5.20 amended by Ord. 88-51, passed 7-25-1988; amended September 13, 1988 by Special Election; Ord. 2004-8, passed 4-5-2004; Ord. 2021-41, passed 11-29-2021)