(a)   Ballots.
      (1)   A ballot must allow a voter to rank a number of candidates equal to the total number of candidates who filed for office, up to a maximum of three rankings. A ballot must allow a voter to add as one or more of the ranked candidates.
      (2)   A ballot must include instructions to voters that clearly indicate how to mark the ballot and how to rank candidates in order of the voter's preference so that an election judge or voting machine can tabulate the results.
   (b)   Mixed-election method ballots. If elections are held in which is used in addition to other methods of voting, the and non-ranked-choice voting elections must be on the same ballot, with and non-ranked-choice voting portions clearly separated on the ballot. The city may deviate from the standard ballot order of offices to allow separation of and non-ranked-choice voting elections.
   (c)   Write-in votes. A candidate for municipal office who wants write-in votes for the candidate to be counted as votes in the candidate's favor must file a written request with the chief election official no later than seven days before the general or special election. The chief election official shall provide copies of the form to make the request. A write-in candidate must meet the qualifications of the office in order to be declared elected to the office.
(Ord. 2021-8, passed 4-26-2021; Ord. 2023-9, passed 4-17-2023)