Additional requirements for single-family and two-family residential and off-street parking areas are set forth in § 21.301.06 of this code.
   (a)   Materials. For newly constructed residential , existing reconstructed and disturbed by construction, the must be paved with portland cement concrete, plant bituminous surface (i.e., asphalt), stone, brick or concrete pavers that are placed with gaps not exceeding one-quarter inch, or another material as approved by the City Engineer. In the event that city work within its right-of-way results in damage to, or the removal of, constructed of any material that is not standard gray portland cement concrete or plant bituminous, the landowner will:
      (1)   Hold the city harmless for any and all claims for damage or loss of use occurring to the or its construction materials; and
      (2)   Assume sole responsibility for the reconstruction of the if the desired reconstruction material is something other than portland cement concrete or plant bituminous surface, as approved by the issuing authority.
      For city initiated projects, the city will offer the following options for paver or decorative disturbance:
      (1)   The city will remove necessary portions of the and will reinstall concrete in the entire disturbed area. The cost of removal and concrete reinstallation will be funded by the approved project funding specifications; or
      (2)   If the property owner prefers to have paver or decorative driveway materials within the right-of-way from the property line to the curb, the city will remove necessary portions of the and the property owner will be reimbursed for the cost of standard portland cement concrete per the Pavement Management Program policy. The property owner will be responsible for the reinstallation of the paver or decorative . The cost of removal and reimbursement will be funded by the approved project funding specifications.
   (b)   Widths and locations. Residential dimensions must comply with the applicable city construction detail for and the following.
      (1)   The width of the at the property line for a single- or two-family residential site must not exceed the driveway of which it connects. Turning tapers may be added to the between the property line and the street that add up to six additional feet to the width of the at its intersection with the street provided that the at no point exceeds a maximum width of 30 feet. Curb cuts and turning tapers must not extend beyond the projected side property line, except when consent is provided in writing by the adjoining property owner and prior approval is granted by the issuing authority.
      (2)   Where the frontage of the does not exceed 50 feet in width, there may be constructed only one .
      (3)   No portion of a except the curb tapers may be constructed within 20 feet of a and in no case closer than two feet from the property line extended to the approach curb cut.
      (4)   Second curb cut and connecting driveway: a permit for a second curb cut to a single-family site must not be issued unless the site has at least 120 feet of frontage along a single public street or is a lot and complies with the standards of this Chapter 17 of this code. For lots, when two curb cuts are present, each curb cut must be to a separate street unless the site has at least 120 feet of frontage along a single public street. More than two curb cuts are prohibited for single- or two-family residential sites. In the event a second driveway is installed to serve a second garage, the second driveway must meet all driveway standards. In the event a second driveway is installed to serve as a circular driveway, the secondary driveway is limited to 12 feet in width and must meet all other driveway standards. A minimum of 18 feet (one parallel parking space) must separate each .
      (5)   Circular driveways without second curb cuts. If a circular driveway does not require a second curb cut the secondary driveway not leading to a garage is limited to 12 feet in width and must meet all other driveway standards.
   (c)   Slope. The slope must not exceed 10%. Slopes through sidewalks must not exceed ADA requirements of 1:50 or two percent.
(1958 Code, § 23.13) (Ord. 93, passed 12-17-1956; Ord. 65-49, passed 8-2-1965; Ord. 87-7, passed 1-12-1987; Ord. 91-56, passed 8-12-1991; Ord. 2006-54, passed 12-18-2006; Ord. 2010-7, passed 3-22-2010; Ord. 2022-25, passed 5-9-2022)