§ 132.01  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires otherwise.
   CHILD CARE FACILITY. A facility licensed pursuant to the Child Care Licensing Act.
   RESIDENCE. A place where the person regularly sleeps, where the person has established his or her home, where he or she is habitually present, and to which when he or she departs he or she intends to return. A RESIDENCE may include more than one location and may be mobile or transitory. Residency may be shown by, among other evidence, receipt of mail at the premises or identification of the premises as a residence on a driver’s license, vehicle registration, or other document.
   SCHOOL. A public, private, denominational, or parochial school which meets the requirements for state accreditation or approval.
   SEX OFFENDER. An individual who has been convicted of a crime listed in Neb. RS 29-4003, and who is required to register as a SEX OFFENDER pursuant to the Sex Offender Registration Act, or any person convicted under the law of another state if, at the time of the conviction under the law of such other state, the offense for which the person was convicted would have required registration under the state Sex Offender Registration Act, if the conviction occurred in the state.
   SEXUAL PREDATOR. An individual who is required to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act, who has committed an aggravated offense as defined in Neb. RS 29-4001.01(1)(b), and who has victimized a person under the age of 13.
(Ord. 11-3, passed 9-12-2011)