A.   Prohibited Acts: It shall be unlawful for any water user to:
      1.   Waste water.
      2.   Allow it to be wasted by stops, taps, valves, leaky joints or pipes, or to allow tanks or watering troughs to leak or overflow.
      3.   Wastefully run water from hydrants, faucets or stops, or through basins, water closets, urinals, sinks or other apparatus.
      4.   Use the water for purposes other than for those which he has applied, or to use water in violation of the rules and regulations for controlling the water supply. (1978 Code § 14-128, as amended)
   B.   Waste Prohibited: Users of water from the city water system shall not permit wasteful practices which, in the judgment of the water superintendent or any of the officers or authorized employees of the city, result in the needless waste or nonjudicious use of the resource. The city, through its representative, shall give notice to the user to discontinue the wasteful practice and may give suggestions for alternate methods of use. If the user fails to discontinue such wasteful practice, the city may restrict service in accordance with subsection D of this section.
   C.   Emergency Declaration: In times of water scarcity, the city, through proclamation of the city council or mayor, may declare a "water emergency" and shall set restrictions, turns, guidelines, fees, usage ceilings or any other defined practice or procedure for the use of municipal water. Said proclamation may be changed from time to time to reflect current needs or limitations of the system. The public shall be notified by posting the proclamation at the city office and by publication one time in a local newspaper. The proclamation shall take effect on the first day following its publication in a local newspaper.
   D.   Violations: The city shall notify the water user in writing of a violation of any restriction or practice and shall set forth a time period in which compliance is required. On the occurrence of a second violation, the city may impose a one hundred dollar ($100.00) surcharge to be added to the user's billing and shall be handled in accordance with the collection procedure set forth in section 8-1-4 of this chapter. On the occurrence of a third violation, the city may, without written notice, discontinue service. (1978 Code § 14-135, as amended)