The owner or developer of a subdivision or PUD shall complete an information and impact assessment form as furnished by the administrator and conduct studies and submit plans as required by this section. The impact assessment form shall be filed with the preliminary plat application. Omission or deliberate falsification of any part of this form shall constitute grounds for rejection of the application. Impact study requirements for community housing planned unit development applications are found in title 9, chapter 35, "Community Housing Overlay District (CH)", of this code.
The information and impact assessment form, adopted by resolution, covers the following topics:
   A.   Natural environment, resource protection, and hazardous areas;
   B.   Agricultural and rural land;
   C.   Infrastructure;
   D.   Comprehensive plan; and
   E.   Impacts on public services. (Ord. 2023-10, - -2023; Ord. 2012-03, 4-17-2012; Ord. 2006-18, 11-2-2006; Ord. 2006-16, 11-2-2006; Ord. 2006-13, 10-26-2006; Ord. 2004-03, 5-3-2004; Ord. 90-8, 11-26-1990; Ord. 77-6, 3-28-1977, eff. 4-14-1977)