All owners, or persons in control of private real property upon which a street tree or shrub is growing, shall remove or trim, at his or her expense, all limbs or foliage which overhang or project into any public street, sidewalk, alley or easement and which interfere with public travel or use of such public way or easement or which do not satisfy the clear view requirements of the landscaping regulations of the city. Street trees and shrubs shall be trimmed from the ground level to at least twelve feet (12') above any public street, public easement or alley, and to at least seven feet (7') above the curb and sidewalk.
All owners, or persons in control of real property within the city of Blackfoot, Idaho, shall remove or trim, at his or her expense, all trees, bushes and shrubs or other ornamental foliage on such property which overhang or project into any public street, sidewalk, alley or easement and which interfere with public travel or use of such public way or easement or which do not satisfy the clear view requirements of the landscaping regulations (chapter 9 of this title). Any such person who fails to comply with the provisions of this section within ten (10) days after receiving written notice from the Blackfoot street department to do so shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and any trees and shrubs not trimmed in accordance with this section may then be trimmed by the city and the expenses therefor may be charged to the persons or property owners who fail to comply with the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2137, 10-6-2015, eff. 10-6-2015)