A.   Filing Claims: Any party having claims or accounts against the city, except refund payments or accounts from funds or monies held in trust for performance guarantee purposes only, shall file the same with the city clerk at least three (3) business days before the regular meeting of the city council. The claims or accounts shall be in the form of a bill of particulars, stating the item in detail and for what, and when the same accrued. When on account or claim or any item thereof, has once been disallowed, in whole or part, by the city council, the same shall not be again presented to the city council, and in no case shall such account be presented to any council other than the one that has passed on the same; and every claim or account when presented shall contain all items of accounts and demands which the party claims against the city, up to the time of filing the same. (2003 Code § 1-14-01)
   B.   Paid By Warrants: All claims and accounts allowed against the city shall be paid by a warrant upon the city treasurer, to be drawn by the mayor and countersigned by the city clerk, or on a check signed by the mayor and city treasurer. (2003 Code § 1-14-02)