A.   Connection To City Sewer System Outside City Limits: In order to obtain municipal sewer system service to parcels that are either partially or entirely outside of the corporate city limits, the following provisions must be complied with:
      1.   There shall be an application form which shall provide that the applicant will agree to the terms and conditions required by this section as a consideration for obtaining such service. The city council shall establish an application fee which fee shall be based upon various classes of applications as recommended by the public works director given the amount of staff review required for processing the application. The application form shall specify the legal description of the parcels for which service is being applied, the name and address of the legal owners of the parcels and purpose of the requested service.
      2.   A completed application must be filed with the public works department.
      3.   Following the filing of a completed application form and the payment of the application fee, the public works director shall then review the circumstances presented by the application in accordance with the terms and conditions and regulations of this chapter as are relevant to the application and which shall also include a review of the effect the granting of the application will have on the ability of the municipal sewer system to provide an acceptable level of service to developed parcels with existing service within the city limits which shall not be compromised.
      4.   The public works director shall then review the findings and recommendations with the applicant for comment.
      5.   The public works director shall then submit the application and a report of recommendations to the city council regarding the application.
      6.   The city council, in the exercise of its discretion, may either grant or deny the application after review of the application and the report of recommendations of the public works director.
      7.   In the event the city council grants the application, it shall include as a condition that the legal owners of the parcels shall enter into an "agreement for the extension of domestic sewer service outside the city limits" (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "agreement") which agreement form shall provide that the legal owners of the parcels agree that the provisions of the city ordinances, regulations and policies which appertain to the regulation, control and use of its domestic sewer system including hookup, service fees, and inspection fees, apply as terms of the "agreement" and which form shall also provide that the owners of the parcels agree to the annexation into the city of the parcels serviced; and the council may also impose such other conditions of granting the application as are reasonable to assure the protection of the level of service to developed parcels within the city limits and to assure that the proprietary funds of the city domestic sewer service are not used for the extension and/or enlargement of the system which conditions shall also be included in the "agreement".
      8.   The sewer user of the parcels serviced pursuant to a granted application under this section shall be considered a user and subject to the terms and conditions of the "agreement" so long as the property being served remains outside of the corporate limits of the city.
      9.   Notwithstanding subsection A5 of this section, if the requested connection is for a residence, or a multi-family residence not exceeding four (4) residential units, and if sewer service is readily available to the affected parcel without extension of service, then, if the public works director deems it in the best interests of the city to do so, said connection may be authorized by the public works director without action by the city council. If the director declines to approve the connection, the request will proceed to the city council for final decision. (Ord. 2122, 5-6-2014)