A.   No person may use the airport facilities for commercial aircraft related purposes without having:
      1.   A valid permit from the city for the purpose of conducting commercial business at the airport; and
      2.   A valid leasehold contract; and
      3.   Proof of payment of fees or rents charged for such uses.
   B.   Failure or refusal of an operator, lessee or owner to be in compliance with this section shall be just cause for cancellation of such obligor's airport lease and permits held by such operator.
   C.   Any person using airport facilities for commercial purposes must pay for the use of the same according to the schedule of fees on file with the city clerk's office or airport manager, and also comply with the following rules and regulations:
      1.   Pay leasehold rent pursuant to the terms of the leasing contract.
      2.   In addition to the insurance requirements of subsection 8-13-18H of this chapter, provide proof of product liability insurance as the city may reasonably require.
      3.   Pay permit fees as of January 1 of each year, or as of the date of intended operation under such a permit so secured.
      4.   Tie down space rental shall be paid on the first day of each month preceding the use of such a space. If a space is to be used for only a fraction of a month, the fee therefor shall be paid in advance at a daily rate according to the schedule of fees herein referred to. (2003 Code § 8-10-20)