A.   Owner Or Occupant Responsibility: Owners, tenants or occupants of any premises within the city abutting or adjoining any public sidewalk shall remove all snow and ice from any such sidewalk.
   B.   Notice to Remove Not Required: Due to the significant safety hazard to citizens and patrons of the city, it shall not be the duty of the city to notify any owner, tenant or occupant of property herein described to remove or otherwise correct the objectionable matters herein legislated against. However, the city will make good faith efforts on an annual basis to notify owners, tenants or occupants of the duty to remove all snow and ice from sidewalks. Such notice will be either through first class mailings, social media notifications, internet postings, or other methods as may be utilized by the city from time to time. Nothing herein shall impose a duty upon the city to provide such notice or provide a defense to the failure to remove snow and ice.
   C.   Removal by City; Cost of Lien: Upon failure of the owner, tenant or occupant of said premises to comply with the terms and conditions of this ordinance, then and in that event the city shall have the right to remove such snow and ice and assess the cost thereof against the premises abutting the sidewalks. The City will invoice the owner, tenant or occupant of said premises a reasonable dollar amount for the removal of snow and ice. In the event said invoice is not paid within thirty (30) days, the City shall have the right to assess the cost against the property as a municipal property tax as set forth herein. Such assessment shall be certified to the county assessor or other proper county official having charge of the making of such assessment roll, and such assessment shall be placed on the assessment roll and collected in the same manner as other municipal taxes are collected. The assessment of costs against the property shall not prohibit the city from also pursuing criminal remedies as set forth in this section.
   D.   Penalty: Unless otherwise stated herein, a violation of any provision in this section shall constitute a misdemeanor, subject to penalty as provided in title 1, chapter 4 of this code.
(2003 Code §§ 8-01-01, 8-01-14; amd. 2012 Code; Ord. 2249, 1-2-2024)