No person may:
(A) Make noise or play a musical instrument audible to an adjacent business or residence, or use sound equipment in public between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m., except as authorized by the Chief of Police;
(B) Operate any jack hammers or heavy equipment within 600 feet of a residence, church, hospital, hotel, or motel between 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.;
(C) Operate sound equipment in a vehicle audible or causing vibration 30 feet from the equipment; or
(D) Make loud or disturbing, or offensive, noises with any mechanical devices operated by compressed air, and used for purposes of assisting braking on any semi-tractor, logging truck, or other motor vehicle, except for the aversion of imminent danger.
Penalty, see § 10.99
The following shall be exceptions to the application of this chapter:
(A) Parades, community events, festivals, band concerts;
(B) Emergency vehicles, and for emergency purposes such as police, fire, and ambulance sirens, or warning devices and loudspeakers used in connection with crimes, disasters, or emergencies;
(C) An employee of a governmental entity engaged in the employee’s official duty; and
(D) Church bells and chimes.