(A) No person, firm, or corporation shall throw, drop, or deposit upon any vacant lot, public street, alley, sidewalk, or other public ground any dead carcass, manure, offal, slops, kitchen refuse, hay, straw, rubbish, or other obnoxious or offensive substance of any kind whatsoever, nor shall any such person, firm, or corporation within the corporate limits allow any such substance or materials to accumulate, or remain upon his or her premises long enough to become offensive or dangerous to the health of persons residing in said town.
(B) No person, firm, or corporation shall suffer or permit any cellar, vault, private drain, cess pool, privy, or sewer, upon any premises owned or occupied by him or her, within the corporate limits, to become nauseous, offensive, or injurious to the public health. Any privy or cess pool which emits any foul or offensive odor is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and the Town Board shall cause the same to be abated, and in case the owner or occupant shall fail or refuse to purify, remove, or cleanse the same within 24 hours after notice is given him or her by any member of the Board of Trustees, such owner or occupant shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this section and subject to the penalties thereof.
(C) No person, firm, or corporation owning, keeping, or having in charge any swine, kept within the corporate limits, shall allow the pens or places, wherein said swine are kept, to become offensive or dangerous to public health.
(D) No person, firm, or corporation shall erect or maintain a slaughter house within the corporate limits, unless a permit shall be first obtained from the Board of Trustees, provided that any such permit may be revoked at any time upon 24 hours’ notice.
(E) Every person, firm, or corporation owning or having charge of any stable, barn, yard, or other place where live stock are kept and manure produced shall remove, or cause to be removed, from such stable, barn, yard, or other place all the manure there accumulated, at least once each month, provided that such manure shall be removed at any other time or times when, in the judgement of the Board of Trustees, it is necessary to promote the public health.
(Ord. 3, passed 12-2-1940) Penalty, see § 90.99