An applicant shall file all of the following with the Village Clerk for review and approval of a proposed land division before making any division either by deed, land contract, lease for more than one year or for building development:
   (A)   A completed application form on the form as may be provided by the Village of Birch Run;
   (B)   Proof of fee ownership of the land proposed to be divided;
   (C)   A tentative parcel map which includes an adequate and accurate legal description of the existing parcel and the parcels proposed to be created by the division(s) and shows area, parcel lines, public utility easements and accessibility of the parcels for vehicular traffic and public utilities from existing or proposed public roads. The tentative parcel map shall be a scale drawing showing the approximate dimensions of the parcels;
   (D)   Proof that all standards of the State Land Division Act and this subchapter have been met;
   (E)   The history and specifications of any previous divisions of land of which the proposed division was a part sufficient to establish the parcel to be divided was lawfully in existence as of March 31, 1997, the effective date of the State Land Division Act;
   (F)   Proof that all due and payable taxes or installments of special assessments pertaining to the land proposed to be divided are paid in full;
   (G)   If transfer of division rights are proposed in the land transfer, detailed information about the terms and availability of the proposed division rights transfer; and
   (H)   The fee as may, from time to time be established by resolution of the Birch Run Village Council for land division, reviews pursuant to this subchapter to cover the costs of review of the application and administration of this subchapter and the State Land Division Act.
(1992 Code, § 140.005)  (Ord. 98-3, passed 5-18-1998)