§ 114.03  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALARM SYSTEM.  A detection device or an assemble of equipment or devices arranged to signal the presence of a hazard requiring urgent attention and to which police officers and/or Fire Department personnel are expected to respond. The term ALARM SYSTEM shall encompass burglar alarms and fire alarms. However, alarm systems on motor vehicles shall be excluded from the definition and operation of this subchapter unless the motor vehicle alarm is connected to an alarm system at the premises owned and/or leased by the user. Also excluded is internal alarm systems designed solely to alert or signal persons within the premises in which the alarm system is located of an unauthorized intrusion or presence of a hazard within the premises. If such an internal system, however, also employs an audible signal emitting sounds or a flashing light or beacon designed to signal persons outside the premises, such an alarm system is within the provisions of this subchapter.
   ALARM USER.  Any person, firm or corporation who is the owner and any person, firm or corporation who is a lessee of the owner of premises in which an alarm system, as defined in ALARM SYSTEM, is installed and maintained.
   BURGLAR ALARM.  An alarm within the definition of ALARM SYSTEM which is designed to detect an unwarranted intrusion into a premise or an attempted robbery or other violent act at a premise. The term BURGLAR ALARM includes the terms AUTOMATIC HOLD-UP ALARM, INTRUSIONS ALARM, DISTURBANCE ALARM, PANIC ALARM, ROBBERY ALARM, HOLD-UP ALARM and LOCAL ALARM.
   FALSE ALARM.  Activation of an alarm system through mistake, mechanical failure, malfunction, improper installation, lack of prudent maintenance or through the negligence of the occupant of the residence and/or building in which the alarm system is located, including their employees or agents. FALSE ALARM shall also mean any activation of an alarm system which indicates a crime or situation other than that which it was designed to indicate, or in the case of a fire alarm, any condition not resulting from a fire or potential fire hazard.
   FIRE ALARM.  An alarm system within the definition of ALARM SYSTEM which is designed to detect and provide warning of a fire emergency, including local alarms. Smoke detectors or other internal fire suppression equipment designed to monitor products of combustion and temperature rise and at a predetermined measurement discharge fire extinguishing substances are excluded from the definition and coverage of this subchapter. If, however, the smoke detectors or fire suppression devices are connected to or are a part of a system designed to signal persons outside the premises in which the detection equipment is located that a fire hazard exists on the premises, then the internal detection and suppression equipment is within this definition.
   INTENTIONAL FALSE ALARM.  Any intentional activation of an alarm system for the purposes of measuring response time of police and/or fire units.
   LOCAL ALARM.  An alarm system within the definition of ALARM SYSTEM which employs audible signals designed to alert persons outside the premises in which the alarm system is located.
(Ord. 3-90, passed 6-11-1990)