§ 111.12  ENFORCEMENT.
   (A)   Violations.  It shall be unlawful for a permitee, his or her employees or agents to:
      (1)   Conduct or operate an assembly without first obtaining a permit as herein provided;
      (2)   Conduct or operate an assembly in such a manner as to create a public or private nuisance;
      (3)   Conduct or permit, within the assembly, any obscene display, exhibition, show, plays, entertainment or amusement;
      (4)   Permit any person on the premises to cause or create a disturbance by obscene or disorderly conduct;
      (5)   Permit any person to unlawfully consume, sell or possess intoxicating liquor while on the premises; and
      (6)   Permit any person to unlawfully use, sell or possess any narcotics, narcotic drugs, drugs or other substances, as defined in Public Act 368 of 1978, being M.C.L.A. §§ 333.1101 et seq. while on the premises.
   (B)   Civil infraction.  Any violation of this subchapter, violation of any condition of a permit issued pursuant to this subchapter or any of the above enumerated violations constitutes a municipal civil infraction subject to payment of a civil fine as set forth in Chapter 35.
      (1)   In the case of a continued violation, penalties shall accrue for each day during the period of the violation.
      (2)   In addition to the penalties provided in this subchapter, the village may recover costs incurred as a consequence of the violation, and reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs and other expenses associated with enforcement activities. The costs shall be recoverable from the person found to have violated this subchapter or the permits issued under this subchapter. A civil infraction shall not be a bar against, or a prerequisite for, taking any other action against a person.
   (C)   Public nuisance.  Any violation of this subchapter, or a violation of any condition of a permit issued pursuant to this subchapter, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance per se.
   (D)   Injunction issuance.  It is further provided that any violation is a sufficient basis for revocation of the permit and for immediately enjoining further conduct of the assembly.
      (1)   Injunctive relief.  Whenever a person is in violation of the provisions of this subchapter, or of a permit issued pursuant to this subchapter, the village may cause a petition to be filed in the Circuit Court for the issuance of a preliminary or permanent injunction or both, as may be appropriate in restraining the continuance of the violation. The court may order any condition, nuisance or violation abated immediately and may order whatever further relief as is necessary to prevent reoccurrence of any condition, nuisance or violation.
      (2)   Costs.  The village may recover its costs incurred as a consequence of the violation, including reasonable attorney fees. The costs shall be recoverable from the person found to have violated this subchapter or the permits issued under this subchapter.
(Ord. 02-02, passed 7-22-2002)  Penalty, see § 111.99