§ 110.024  EXEMPTIONS.
   (A)   Non-pecuniary, profit organizations.  The provisions of this subchapter shall not apply to any established society, association or corporation that is organized and operated exclusively for religious, philanthropic, benevolent, fraternal, charitable or reformatory purposes and not operated for pecuniary profit, where:
      (1)   No part of the net earning of which benefits any person, private shareholder or individual;
      (2)   The solicitation of the organization is conducted among the members thereof by other members or officers thereof, voluntarily and without remuneration for the solicitation; or
      (3)   The solicitation is in the form of collections or contributions at the regular exercises or services of any church, religious society, lodge, benevolent order or fraternity or similar organizations or of any branch thereof.
   (B)   School related youth activities.  Any group or individual associated with any school related youth activities such as Girl Scouts, Little League, soccer leagues and Boy Scouts shall be exempt from the provisions of this subchapter.
(Ord. 01-2006, passed 3-27-2006)